Washington Area Commodore User Group Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting 17 April 1999 Board Meeting Attendance - Jorn Dakin, Geof Goodrum, Kathy Perrin, Lu Spriggs, and Mike ten Kate Minutes - Minutes from the March board meeting were not available but will be provided at the May board meeting. Comments on General Meeting - Good meeting with demos of both the BeOS and Mandrake Linux. Attendance at General Meeting - 18 Treasurer's Report - The Treasurer's report was approved as presented. Disk Sales/Membership Status - A total of fourteen PC disk sets and four 8-bit disks were sold. One PC disk set given away. Sales total not recorded but will be obtained at May meeting. Total membership stands at an impressive 58. General Discussion - The club's insurance policy was the primary topic of discussion. Jorn Dakin agreed to contact our insurance agents and determine whether the policy protects board members from any liabilities arising from a legal action against the club. The board approved payment of the standard premium and we will look into the need for supplemental coverage based on Jorn's report at the May board meeting. Geof Goodrum noted that Bob Mason is still seeking to set-up a meeting with Erol's to discuss a club account. For the time being, our TIAC web and email accounts are functioning and we can count on these accounts for several more months until we find a replacement. Future Meetings - The May meeting will be devoted to a demo by Bob of Microsoft's Office 2000. Mike ten Kate suggested that Bob demo Internet Explorer 5.0 at the same meeting since the office suite is designed to tightly integrate with Microsoft's web browser. The June meeting is reserved for the club's semi-annual clinic/swap meet. Meeting adjourned